Sewell Park

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Sewell Park is the heart of river activities for the college-aged population in San Marcos, TX. Whether you are tubing the San Marcos River, playing frisbee with Frisbee Dan, or getting a tan on Bikini Hill Sewell park is the place to be. I have many fond memories of Sewell Park. As a child, my older brother taught me how to swim there. Now as a grown man, I still find this place as my go to swimming spot. There is plenty of fun recreational activities to do at Sewell Park year round. Volleyball, swimming, basketball, slacklining, Sewell Park has it all! The park also has events where the community volunteers to help maintain it by either cleaning the river or planting new trees in the park. Sewell Park has been a refuge for me and I know that there is something for everyone to do here.

  • New Information about Sewell Park

    • Tree Campus USA

      • Tree Campus USA was an event at Sewell Park last Friday to plant trees in the park. Many students from Texas State University came out to support the event. Texas State University had their Campus Canvas Team come out and paint a mural for the event. This event was an enjoyable time spent by all. Here is the response of a volunteer at the event and her experience.
        • Katie Hambright- “Planting the trees will make the park prettier in the years to come. It made me feel rewarded to know that anytime I go to Sewell I will know that I helped put that there. I definitely recommend that others participate in events like this! I am definitely going to get involved with more events like this in the future!”
      • The Sand Volleyball Court
        • The Sand  Volleyball court at Sewell was  demolished after a flood in San Marcos just a couple days ago. However, it is currently being 0218161751.jpgfixed and should be usable again before summer vacation hits. I love sand volleyball and used to play here a lot my freshman year. This volleyball court is not only easy to get too it is a great place to show off one’s skills in front of the gorgeous women of Texas State. This is a current picture of the court before it gets fixed.
    • Adventure Trip Program
      • The Adventre Trip Program provides free access to those in the program to river equipment at the Outdoor Recreational Center. By joining this program members are not only able to enjoy the San Marcos River but they can attend camping trips with other members. Click “here” to learn more about upcoming events. This Program is great for me because I have used it to gain free access to river equipment.  Kayaking the river is the perfect way to relax after taking a test. It is mentally relaxing and physically engaging.
  • Year Round things to do at Sewell Park

    • Sewell Park is a place where as long as a person is not breaking the law they are most likely able to do whatever they want. This is possible because Sewell park has a river running through it so water activities are possible here. There is a lot of fields so land activities are also possible.  I have been to Sewell at all times of the day and there is always something going on there of interest. This is a park where people do many different things, however, everyone catches a glimpse of Bikini Hill.
      • Here is a list of some things you can do at Sewell
        • Water- swim, tubing, paddle boarding, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, kayaking, canoeing
        • Land- Basketball, volleyball, Frisbee with Frisbee Dan, field sports, hammocking, slacklining, hula hooping, skateboarding, rollerblading, biking, picnics, sunbathing, painting, studying, dog walking
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  •  Future Blogs and readings of interest

    • My future blog will be about Dunbar Park!
    • Readings of interest
      • Bobcat Blog and Sewell- click “here

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